you know too


i have no expectations, except that

you keep me

especially when i share myself

with you

in ways… that cannot be explained

with words

only space, and all that occurs

in the inhale

which is a lot, a world in and of itself

if you are listening

you know too

© r.e.l. 10/27/16

that in i mixed with you

as soon as i told you
you wouldn’t let me go

touch me again
as i turn you inside out
dynamic and raw

drawn to climb into me with your eyes
smile speaking with textures, words uncovered

you know that already
you knew all along

lightly touching
our cells fuse

you know, as do i,
that in i
mixed with you
there is nothing to hide

all along we’ve been
a river containing all that we have tasted,
and verses to stories we have yet to ascend into
as mountains of a dream
that would be ours

© r.e.l. 3/7/13

star on a distant paradise

where are you now
in this moment, i ask
climbing a ladder to a distant cloud
that only i know…
floating on a bubble under a wave of life?

you are crazy
with the mystery you breathe
you are the pure energy
of love
… fire mixed with water
and raindrops inside sand

you are tears and joy forever intertwined
like a bird not knowing his wings

still… after all
you know you are

the one who saved me from a distant paradise

and you are true

© r.e.l.  11/4/10

image nightbird2

Posted on Poetry Potluck 7/10-7/17/11 on Jingle Poetry

in the raindrops

you know
that you are
the light
that enters
my dark
the eclipse of you
a mystery
opening the door
to me
to my breath that lies floating now
lost in the raindrops of
knowing the cracks
in the spaces of us
tell a story we have yet to know
touched by the gap between inhaling and
remembering that you
do not leak out of my life
forever in a moment…

© r.e.l. 1/2/11

painting ‘Light Coming into the Cave’ by yvonca

**this post is for Poetry Potluck Week 17 Journey and The Road Ahead (1/9/11-1/15/11) on Jingle Poetry

Received Kreativ Blogger Award from Jingle Poetry



you can touch me if you try
right now

i might melt but won’t disappear
like a ghost
leaving you with only your breath

my blood rises now..
maybe timid
because your touch, if true
can penetrate
the energy of it
in the only way it knows how
fingers reaching out
without words

touch me again

© r.e.l. 12/16/10

sculpture ‘The Cathedral’ by Rodin (Rodin Museum, Paris).

**this post is for Poetry Potluck Week 15 (reflections, interpretations, and musings) on Jingle Poetry

to say to you

it will all be ok…
your heart
exposed to the perilous space
which took your breath
led by that which
lures you into the current
you need
love directs your course
you know..

and it is no mistake
that you felt him looking at you
as if looking through
knowing all in an instant
that day
more than once
as if to say to you silently
yet directly
some day you will be mine

© r.e.l. 7/27/10

Posted for Poetry Picnic 8/28-9/3/11 on Gooseberry Garden


a stress free life

Do you wake in the morning and tell yourself that today will be the day that you will really take your health to another level? One idea to ponder is why you would wait. Any moment can be a time to set your intention. You might wait because you are too stressed at the idea of changing.

A healthy life makes you feel great but activities that drive our personalities can interfere with health, some of which feed addictive behaviors, stress, overindulgence or even laziness. Although we all mean well and fully intend to do what our heart tells us to do, is following every inclination at every moment actually following your heart and acting with your best health in mind?

There are many different facets included in health. Those that require motivation for some of you such as diet, exercise and mind-calming activities are part of it, but if you are stressed about the plan you have for yourself or the goal you wish to achieve, then maybe you are going about it in the wrong way for you.

If your plan is to drastically cut out all of the poison in your life all at once, and trade it for regimented goodness, and this makes you crazy in your mind, then perhaps there is a better solution for you.

We are talking about your body, mind, heart and spirit. A plan for health needs to include each or else a part of you will attack the plan, so to say, and never start, or fulfill a part of it while another part becomes detrimental to your health.

Stress can eat away at your insides and definitely shows on the outside, so you can’t hide from it and you can’t hide it from others. What is most important is your internal appearance, which if nurtured, reflects to your whole being.

How about starting out slowly to come to terms with what will truly work for you. Spend a day alone dedicated completely to yourself simply to form your plan.

  • Drink a lot of water to hydrate and cleanse your system removing toxins.
  • Alkalinize a stressed body by nurturing yourself with foods that will increase your acidic pH such as lemon in your water, avocado, grapefruit and most greens to name a few.  This will leave you with more vibrancy and mental clarity.
  • Try to move slowly through your day paying attention to your feet on the ground as you move — preferably barefooted.
  • Yoga, pranayama breathing, meditation and music can assist you greatly in your effort.
  • Go for a walk along the beach and listen to the ocean waves soothe your soul and perhaps give you answers.

Slowly without trying you will find yourself formulating the formula for your stress free life. Keep a journal handy and write down whatever inspires you. If you’re lucky you’ll end the day with a wise mantra, a list or even a heart-opening poem. Without even knowing it you’ll probably feel a connection with your spirit and life force.

At this point, you will know what you need to do, and will do it with ease in a way which supports your life customized to you.

One final hint: don’t tell anyone your grand plan. You are doing this for yourself, not for anyone else 🙂  Others will notice the new you emanating from the old you in no time…


© r.e.l. 7/10/10

follow the mist

I am ever-changing.  In this moment I seem to be in the middle of a silent breath between states.

I appreciate many forms of life: people, viewpoints, spirituality, yoga, words.  I notice that it is common for people to tag a style of being in the world, which then closes them off to other inspirations that could come spontaneously, from afar, from within, or sometimes right in front of their own face.

There is a misty quality to knowing you are on the right path, regardless of the unknown.

I follow the mist……..

There are as many ways to grow and evolve as to be uncountable.  We all have our own way, and to follow another’s way is to not fully engage with your own inner guidance.  I am influenced by many modes of thought but always, in the end, I follow my own truth.

listen my love,
illumination is eternal.
now is always evolving.
as there are billions of stars,
there are billions of steps.
as there are billions of souls,
there are billions of ways to grow.

In fact, my yoga practice has taught me this as well.  With my many experiences with yoga styles and traditions, in the end I most enjoy the vinyasa flow style which allows me to organically lead myself to where I’m headed in that moment.  This leads me to my own way of growing.

I listen to my body as I would music, as I move and unlock the secret messages hidden within the spaces of my being.

I am listening now.  It whispers to me that the answer is to keep listening.

© r.e.l. 6/19/10

life is a journey

Life is a journey. I intend to make it worthwhile.

With regards to this journey it is not important what the venue, physical activity, or endeavor, or even the goal. What we make of our experience is what counts. What matters is the lessons that remain with us after we have completed whatever it is we do and how we integrate this knowledge in our hearts back into the society in which we live. It is a true life meditation to keep lessons we learn inside us and never let the magic die.

“Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you” (Wayne Dyer). I have found this to be true. Like the The Secret, whatever you give your power to (even mentally), you make stronger.

I emulate my life in my yoga practice. I let myself fall to see what is on the other side of that moment. I take all of the positive powerful experiences I feel as a person onto the mat with me and play them out, so to speak, to fruition. I use the power of the energy I generate there to feed my experience, using its fuel to vaporize any false stories or inhibitions I may have about myself.

I reach a point where the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything is taking place as it should be, and this fills me with trust.

I know I have a question about life and that it will unfold as I breathe. With each step I will be open for new discovery in the next moment. Moving my body will unlock the fruits of the inquiry that I cannot know until it happens.

Why do trust? Because of the mere fact that I exist. I trust everything that is happening to me in my life. I let my body guide the way. This allows my heart to shine and my mind to take a backseat.

© r.e.l. 5/8/10

through the vines

through the vines
connecting my blood to infinity
i move so that i can water
your roots.
they reach out to me so…
each with its own strength, its own sound
its own breath, its own life
yet moving together as one.

i find you
where you are raw
not dark
but vulnerable
needing to be held
to feel safe
my breath, my attention
to your every need
your every call for touch
to be an open room
for you to pour your soul into.
you ask that of me
and i hear you.

your warmth has the power to soothe
and pierce me
to puncture the balloon
where i keep my secrets
can you feel it now?
as a bit seeps out
released in the air, to the open
to find its way
no longer trapped, no longer secret.

a veil between you and me
its thin yet it covers
that which we need to protect
until time opens its wings for our flight.

© r.e.l. 4/7/10

inspired by an embodied meditation at CIIS

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