

what is it
to forget?

a distant dream
gone by
known by only
a whisp
an ache that pulls
its way back
keeps trying
but cannot stick

or is it
a wish to
know nothing
feel nothing
be nothing
so that the pressure
to be more

even though
it forgets
it remembers still

i remember

© r.e.l. 1/3/12

Posted for Poetry Picnic 1/8-1/14/12 on Gooseberry Garden

star on a distant paradise

where are you now
in this moment, i ask
climbing a ladder to a distant cloud
that only i know…
floating on a bubble under a wave of life?

you are crazy
with the mystery you breathe
you are the pure energy
of love
… fire mixed with water
and raindrops inside sand

you are tears and joy forever intertwined
like a bird not knowing his wings

still… after all
you know you are

the one who saved me from a distant paradise

and you are true

© r.e.l.  11/4/10

image nightbird2

Posted on Poetry Potluck 7/10-7/17/11 on Jingle Poetry

disoriented patience

do you know where you are going?
now or later
doesn’t matter
because it is the time in between that matters

the disoriented moments
contemplative you are
where you are alone
now, today, tomorrow
or some day
remembering what you thought would come to you in this moment
but doesn’t
where you open your eyes
and see only cloudiness

b e p a t i e n t… for clarity
they are the best
misty moments
you’ve ever seen

© r.e.l. 1/17/11

Image ‘[d i s o r i e n t e d o b j e c t i v i t y]’by Irina și Silviu Szekely

Posted for Poetry Potluck week 19 (rules, regulations, laws) on Jingle Poetry

your innocent trust

who changed my life.

let me be heard.
you felt who i am.
without question.
so, i invited you in…

your innocent trust in true love.
and the spirit of the world always taking care of everything.
you came to me in any moment, as i closed my eyes.

i know you never wanted to leave my arms but, you see, don’t you?  you were meant to.  only you can lift the dark cloud that shadows you.

never will i forget how you heard the writing of my soul, evolving my spiral, to share with me your magical love.

i will always love you.

© r.e.l. 11/22/10

[photo by Cloo Potloot of Belgium]

is this me? moving toward, moving away…

So what does wholeness look like to me? I thought this summary I played with recently was a wonderful way to describe my view on this subject.  For it is when I am depicting all of these words at once, as taken from my personal blog I write here (generated by a tool called Wordle), that I feel most whole.

I can get a cue as to what I avoid in life, in my search for wholeness, if I watch what it is I try to withhold to others in my conversations. These are my truths which I run from and hide even from myself, as I lack confidence to orate them. The fear is controlled by my unconscious.  These are the inner truths that point to my fear of being who I truly am, as Neil Legault quotes:

Catch yourself trying to avoid telling someone your truth about yourself and you will see how you hide yourself from life.  This is the pointer that shows you your fear of being who you truly are.

I seek to bring myself into wholeness by merging my mind with my spiritual beliefs.  The two act aside each other naturally, and when the dark clouds come, I have to work diligently in meditation to remember the sun is always shining above it — something greater than me.

© r.e.l. 10/10/10


silence speaks

Dear heart, sometimes I wonder who I am.  I feel like I’ve never done this before, like I am new to love.  Sometimes I get too nervous as if my vulnerable child is coming out of her shell for the first time. And when I do, I feel like a hummingbird alone in the rain.

A silent moment asks me to breathe in all that I feel and ‘stay with me please’ with eyes looking into me.  The answer is in the presence.  To really feel the present moment with ease is to not worry about anything else but it.  The answer is to not worry about needing to describe it in words, to anyone else or to myself.  Those who share the moment too, will know exactly what I mean anyway.  Silence speaks with a swirling energy between two people anyway, whether they are touching, across a room, or across the world. In that presence, another spirit is born… left to float off into the clouds at sunset but never to stop penetrating the everlasting moment.

© r.e.l. 7/24/10

Photo of Minnesota sunset by Michele Kamenar

Featured in Love Bytes on redbubble

the art of savasana

The final pose of any decent yoga practice is savasana. It is the place where you reflect upon your entire practice as if it comes before your eyes on a distant cloud.

Some yoga teachers and practitioners believe savasana is the most important pose in yoga, reflecting true peace as the culmination of your practice.

This final resting pose, otherwise known as Corpse Pose, truly is a pose in which to wrap the fruits of your labors or your joys of movement and love for your body.

After moving the precious prana within your body through movements that flow through you, twists that wring out toxins, and peaceful moments in between that take your breath away, savasana is a time to celebrate and smile within in stillness.

It’s a time to celebrate your life force that moves through you, that you may have a tendency to ignore as you move along in your busy day.

To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders. ~ Lao-Tzu ~

Savasana does not act alone.  It is the end result of that which came before it.  It is your consciousness in its pure state, which you can see most easily after clearing out impediments in the body, mind and heart, especially with a seasoned teacher who can lead you eloquently through it, in the right vibe.

In this way the meditative state created in the space becomes like a cloud that you can trust and call your own.  As you wind down your practice in a true state of peace, your ending rest has the power to bring you to samadhi, the 8th limb of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Samadhi is a non-dualistic state of consciousness in which you become one with all that surrounds you, and all of your thoughts connected outside of yourself, in which the mind becomes still, concentrated on one point though the person remains conscious.

If you are lucky you will feel bathed in a purple light.  The true art of savasana is to become as if a body floating in the ocean, weightless and free.


© r.e.l. 7/13/10


giving him
air to breathe
me, himself, us
the clouds will part
the moment he opens
again… when he cannot
imagine this life without me
when he forgives with no conditions
his wind will reach me and caress the back
of my neck… and will tell me “you will know, love,
when i am in the sky coming back to you… don’t worry”

© r.e.l. 6/24/10