see us, gazing

LL Ori_Orion Nebula_NASA_HubbleThis is me and you saving the part that you want me to admit the answer to. That the parts between us want to touch, no different than before when we first began exploring about me and you, not lying through my smile.

Remember when I heard you whisper the first time, and you heard me without my speaking? I want to return to that moment, and state of being too. We were powerful then bridging beyond words to a place where sentences and phrases didn’t matter. The spirit speaks when musing and delight take over, along with wonders and desires to know more, to know everything.

My look toward you, into you, was authentic. Was it sad? You knew without a smile what I wanted. You knew as I grabbed my stuff, strong and powerful. You knew where I’d find you in my mind within moments. You knew you’d be there too.

And still I can’t help but cry a little that you didn’t take me away with you in that moment and whisper in my ear the words I’ve known, the language, the words floating above us waiting to be spoken.

When you placed my head gently against yours to hold me closer, I felt all that you know. I heard you say why but you know the answer and its source; because it’s still the same, hidden in your anger, in your lure and my regard. You no longer see through; you connect. You are there now with your eyes. I feel the difference in me now and then, in morning and in evening. My gage is you.

I want to be magic–a force you gravitate toward without reason and even smile when you know the reason. As you are dear to me, especially when I wake, especially when I’m tired. Your fingers run along my arm toward my heart, reminding me to never forget who I am.

An active clarity shining like roots, interspersed inside keeping us safe. My heart knows in silence how you link to aspiring my insides awake. I can write my way to you just as I look up in the sky at a cloud as I float.

Don’t you think that it’s time to be more than we are, more than our eyes sensing. You can take me now to the part where our worlds collide in the dimly-lit room. A candle lights the way to look at what we are, still eyes gazing in the direction of us, shadows behind us flickering.

© r.e.l. 10/8/15

Submitted to Rebelle Society 10/13/15

you can’t hide that from me

coffee_thoughtYou are an enigma.
This is about you
and the secret you keep behind your eyes.
It’s unreal to me that you could be there for me.
I see your smile
when you look at me from the place inside you
that is for me,
in the moments when we are touching
or even speaking
as if it’s not happening
when it’s what I want the most
to be cherished by you.

You can’t hide that from me.
It’s not unreal.
When you come to me, I see you with a sixth sense.
You have words but are silent.
I can hear you with your eyes that are blue and clear
staring into me.
Just a tilt of you head
as you hide behind your glass halfway
is enough for me to see
all of it.
My breath is gentle as you come closer, seconds taking minutes.
We are in slow motion and I want that to last.
I want to continue to see your heart beating…

You are more real to me than most things.
I want you in a precious way.
A world is formed
without speaking,
not desperate, or touched with broken hearts.
I don’t know what time it is and it doesn’t matter how long we are here.

I can hear you behind your face that cringes
with the power of the world on your shoulders
against us.
I look into your eyes.
I want to know the secret of you
but you won’t tell me
so I find it
through days or weeks,
through many words and senses.
I can hear you still
even in your fingertips
that lightly brush against me.
You want me in a way that I hold dear.

I believe in your conviction
to your heart
to your trust
and you won’t lie to me.
I find it through the pauses between sentences, unwritten
or smiles that you can’t hold back
(and lips that know me).

I want to sit next to you and hold your hand
and know you are near.
I want to take care of you,
your emotions, your world,
as if I am holding your hand to help you think.
I don’t want you to ask me questions
because you already know the answers.
I know you are near even when you aren’t.
We already have many questions
with responses
throbbing inside of us.
I want to take you home with me
and get tangled in memories, in us.

© r.e.l. 12/14/14

Published on Rebelle Society 1.3.15

Image source: unknown

a memoir of a special time

trees_pisaencapsulating every inch, touching.

i imagine how your hands clasp mine.

we are a bravery that led to senses.

of understanding whispers, or of character in windows of time.

of future times, slowly with deep eyes.

like beautiful surrender wrapped up, frozen…

follow me to my heart that risks. vulnerable, slow down, slower. testing the dream, flames shift.

where your hands are a metaphor for your heart waiting for strength and a voice, waiting to begin and not end. to feel safe and live inside me to tell me your beautiful words.


© r.e.l. 9/28/14



do you know that i will lay my strength beside you?

balance3Do you know that I will lay my strength beside you and surrender? Forgive me, but it’s who I am, weakened into broken submission when I feel you close. When you are as the ocean, you are my iconic metaphor with clarity—the kind that floats by unnoticed, hides in corners, or drops to the floor.

Do you know that I have it in me to wonder if it can be brave enough for you? I’m right around the corner of your confidence, wide awake with hunger, but I need you to hold me to show me. Hold me now, I ask you, because I can’t hold myself in this way. Make all of my toes touch the floor at the same time.

Do you remember 
that I miss you? I wonder what you feel, when you believe it’s not possible to be with the me you know me to be. Am I an illusion that floats above your head while waking, that which you cannot comprehend, even to yourself? And still, I carry holes of you within me.

Do you know that my smile was always for you? It was hidden at the bottom of me. I was looking down, and within, really listening. I heard you there, when you saw my smile. I feel you know that.

Do you believe that I am typing these words just for you? I wonder if I should be there now while you read this. You are wondering why I’m not. I should have been. I made eyes with you across the room while you did though, and I lightly bit my finger in shyness as I watched you come towards me.

Do you know that I dreamed I was wrapped in you last night? You deserve an explanation for waking without me; it was a dream. It doesn’t seem fair to wait much longer, to wake to a pillow instead—where no one can see your face when you cry, to count the seconds to another day gone by before you should be.

Do you ever think of my shadows or yours when you brush against me? My tears seep through and tell you to stay with me in your presence that breathes even when it doesn’t try.

Do you remember our silent moments that connected us despite our lack of patience? I am working my way toward you. You are expression of desire met beyond imagination, by your side. You are delight at being enough to be wanted. You know what to say, even when no one else is listening. You are the experience of my teardrop. You are a gift.

Do you believe that your eyes melted me each time then and still do? Don’t give up on me. I am not going anywhere. I know that you are that which rises and you know me to be the one who senses you now, a reprise. And I heard you last night when you spoke to me with your dream, intense and beautiful. You spoke of a ride you foresee with ups and downs, receiving and holding. And now it is so close that I can taste it.

Published on Rebelle Society 12/19/14

© r.e.l. 9/20/14

Image source:

as blood flowing

by cricketw, Redbubble

your path knows
i heard you say last night
while you were breathing

i vow now
i promise
to include you too,
little soul inside

i hear you
as honest as blood

it will happen
in the way it needs to
in the most unexpected
moment …

pass into the rite
it’s magic

© r.e.l. 6/4/12

image by by cricketw, Redbubble

posted on Micropoetry (partial)

the magic of my histories

I move.  I feel.  My blood carries my life.

I am still.  I look inside the calm waters… and here I find the truth of who I am.

Jeff Klein says it well in his article ‘Moving Again’:  The quality of our life depends on how we move, and on how we embrace the stillness as an essential element in the cycle of movement..

When overwhelming energies arise, can’t I see that the water is only clear when I allow myself to move what reaches out, running evermore inside..? Whether difficulty or pure joy, I can push it away as if to be scared when it is too overpowering…

When whatever it is has moved through me to its end though, with an ‘ahhh‘ the sun comes out and shines on the tranquility, piercing it with clarity.  🙂

I imagine being immersed in a calm and clear patch of ocean, seeing clearly in all directions.  Yet, looking above, I occasionally see waves above moving past.  When I accept it, I can watch the intense moments transform to a gem that whispers the answer, just as the ocean wave becomes the calm ocean.

Even if I seem to be searching without knowing exactly what I am looking for, I can see that it is still there if I invite the intensity.  It is trying to touch me with the truth….

We have known since Einstein that everything is energy — just alive in different forms. It is in the magic of my history that I can find the treasures, carved out of my bones, my heart, my dreams, my teardrops.   To look at this beauty is to watch time stand still, to let go, and to become one with the mystery.

When the Japanese mend broken objects, they fill the cracks with gold. They believe that when something’s suffered damage and has a history it becomes more beautiful. ~Barbara Bloom

© r.e.l. 11/24/10

your innocent trust

who changed my life.

let me be heard.
you felt who i am.
without question.
so, i invited you in…

your innocent trust in true love.
and the spirit of the world always taking care of everything.
you came to me in any moment, as i closed my eyes.

i know you never wanted to leave my arms but, you see, don’t you?  you were meant to.  only you can lift the dark cloud that shadows you.

never will i forget how you heard the writing of my soul, evolving my spiral, to share with me your magical love.

i will always love you.

© r.e.l. 11/22/10

[photo by Cloo Potloot of Belgium]

i’ll hold you up

hold on
open and true
only you know your power…

please don’t close yourself off
to the world
that works for you
in the shadows
unfolding something
for you

you do not
want to miss it

look up into the sky tonight
it’s the place to leave your doubts
i’ll hold you up
in the first star you see

© r.e.l. 7/5/10

Featured in Speaking Out on redbubble

river of time

you exist
outside the river of time

so do i
passing through the veil
to this place in my heart

a journey through
before finding the sun…

in me there is magic to this life
to realize the answers

because love survives
tattooed forever
as the one
who will find the way
forever enchanted
to eternity

© r.e.l. 7/4/10


in my mind
i see much that is false
but when your light
ta lumière

shines upon me, upon you
like a star, étoile brillante
the false, the imprisoned
and all that remains is
that which is authentic
and true
the unbelievable truth…

look through the window,
my dear
this magic
detects only that which
can survive the darkest days
and nights
it removes the rest
leaving us with
all that we dreamed
to see the end, look at the beginning
it whispers to you
–>> remember us.

please use your light
t r u s t  it…
to light our path
that we walk together
hand in hand
to light our soul that we built
with blind faith and two bottomless hearts ❤ <3.

© r.e.l. 6/13/10

life is a journey

Life is a journey. I intend to make it worthwhile.

With regards to this journey it is not important what the venue, physical activity, or endeavor, or even the goal. What we make of our experience is what counts. What matters is the lessons that remain with us after we have completed whatever it is we do and how we integrate this knowledge in our hearts back into the society in which we live. It is a true life meditation to keep lessons we learn inside us and never let the magic die.

“Everything you are against weakens you. Everything you are for empowers you” (Wayne Dyer). I have found this to be true. Like the The Secret, whatever you give your power to (even mentally), you make stronger.

I emulate my life in my yoga practice. I let myself fall to see what is on the other side of that moment. I take all of the positive powerful experiences I feel as a person onto the mat with me and play them out, so to speak, to fruition. I use the power of the energy I generate there to feed my experience, using its fuel to vaporize any false stories or inhibitions I may have about myself.

I reach a point where the past and the future become unimportant. There is only that moment, and the incredible certainty that everything is taking place as it should be, and this fills me with trust.

I know I have a question about life and that it will unfold as I breathe. With each step I will be open for new discovery in the next moment. Moving my body will unlock the fruits of the inquiry that I cannot know until it happens.

Why do trust? Because of the mere fact that I exist. I trust everything that is happening to me in my life. I let my body guide the way. This allows my heart to shine and my mind to take a backseat.

© r.e.l. 5/8/10