leftover treasure


surge with me
in the same direction
at the same pace
toward the same cause 

stare up at the sky 
with me
for a moment, and see
that we are 
to the same

no time for seemingly unreachable
stand in front of me.
tower over leftover treasure,
and figure out what was 
in the air between all of our words

© r.e.l. 12/16/18


you let yourself


be patient
i’m not just saying that
as if it’s cliché
i’m afraid of you
and i need time
to delve into you
to trust the look in your eye

i know how many times
i’ve fallen for you
and i know when it’s time
to feel the way
your fingertips feel
when i imagine them
walking toward me

i am nervous to see you again
always. why? because
you paid attention to me.
we sat on the beach and you
listened, and you let yourself
lie down and watch
the sunset with me
until it went down.

© r.e.l. 1/21/16


as if hidden, you are this

bluetreeI am hidden. Are you? As if to be hidden behind words that speak illusively, at all times, bouncing off buildings and walls. I shoot an arrow and it comes back to me. Some day.

Who are you anyway? Are you the words or are they merely what comes out when trying to speak? There is no time to leave important words unsaid. I speak of eloquence.

Inspirational times with comic undertones spark a tune in another. Sometimes. But, truly, it’s all for you. You who deserve to be timeless and unforgotten. You are where my eyes open to receive what I’m waking up to now. I am here now because you were there and smiled and felt.

Create. Create all you can be. Be creative. Be daring. Be you. I will walk with you, and you will walk with me. But don’t forget to be balanced, be calm and be all that you should be behind the eyes of you. Don’t tell anyone if you falter.

My calling is you, an obligation to fulfill. You are what begs to flow from me, knowing what to make of it along the way, unsuspecting. You occupy the space between sentences, between thoughts that hang and then drop.

You are my arrow I shot long ago. It came back to me with its secret. It told me with its fire: be the you that wakes up in the morning, still groggy, remembering what exactly went on the hours before while dreaming.

Your image burned in my brain fills me with the opposite of order that I need. I let you build up so that I can understand you better. You give me the power to say No. You allow my creative—my unknown—to surge, to cascade. You are endless and you are real. You make me want to write a story, phenomenal, of us. As a river raging knows my name with impatience trickling, in an instant I am known. Finally.

But it’s just me here now writing… and, all I have are my verses wondering how to get through to you. I seem to be writing as if from a distant land when I realize that life without you isn’t possible. I want to stay there in this moment forever. You are the river that I once swam up, I swim again. Stay with me, you whisper.

© r.e.l. 7/17/13

Published on Rebelle Society  5.10.14

[This is Behind the eyes of a writer™: A series, part fourteen. Continuing on from a dedication, part thirteen in Behind the eyes of a writer™ series, I tear you apart in pieces to unglue what you’ve become. Part fifteen in my Behind the eyes of a writer™ series is next]

all in one long sentence

rose_q&aand so it goes…
there is so much to remember,
that as i sit here to think
nothing comes.
(at least in this moment)

yet, all—at the same time…

why is it that my body feels
all that is
all that was
all that will be again?

the truth is
that there are words to express
what you mean to me
but it would take a lifetime
to say
(all in one long sentence)

there is no question about it

© r.e.l. 4/6/13

photo by Alex Theory

submitted to Every Writer 3/7/14

submitted to caesura 2/5/14

featured in Freedom in Words & Art on Redbubble

featured in Freedom to Shine on Redbubble

featured in Feminine Intent on Redbubble

featured in Poetry*Daily (4/24/13 Twitter)

posted on Medium 3/18/14

posted on Micropoetry 7/12/14 for #remember theme

covered in moss

write with me
… as if i’m writing you
… as if i hear only your voice

your substance, your curves, your nuances, your eyes
as if for the first time
seeing me, perhaps
as a tiny particle of life in the ripple of a pond

it’s true, i remember the stars
when we first met

did you know that the cobble stones
on our path
each covered in moss
know that to provide direction
to you
is to cheat you of your trail of treasures in life?

… with your warm beaming clouds

listen to them
(.  .  .)
i do

© r.e.l. 5/27/12

Posted for Thursdays Poet Rally 6/6-6/13/12 on Hyde Park Poetry

enough of words

be careful, don’t forget
you are gazing at the light
as you search for meaning
horizons, expanded…

i come to you without me
without a sound
hidden behind no door

…enough of words
you are my precious moments,
rising together with us
as parts

© r.e.l. 5/8/12


Posted on Poetry Picnic 5/13-5/20/12 on Jingle Poetry

Featured in Freedom to Shine on redbubble

Chosen by Redbubble artist sure2010 as pairing with his artwork Illumination Happening

to the end of the road

words only take me to the end of the road… where feelings are footpaths… but, opening me to you and you to me… i miss you when you go… i am yours… sing to me anyway… never forget that your tears are your soul…
© r.e.l. 4/6/11

**featured in Freedom to Shine on redbubble

posted for  The Thursday Post 7.4.11 on Ethereal Heights
posted for Poetry Potluck 4/10-4/17/11 on Jingle Poetry

half spoken, half heard

i believe you
in every word
there is a silence
and past reminding me

you who have answers… or do you call them reasons…

reasons with questions that ask me do you always speak to me in colors that keep their beauty?  through tears in paper that beg to know me?

through words, half spoken, half written, half heard but always known…

like the pages of time
i ask myself now, who am i?
but you know better, so i flip through the pages

to find you, to find me, to find the other half of me..

© r.e.l. 1/12/11

Image of ‘Lost Goddess Diaries: The Truth BE Told’ by AmandaGWright

Featured in Speaking Out on redbubble

Posted for Poetry Potluck week 18 (1/16-1/22/11) Languages, Signs and Symbols on Jingle Poetry

Received The Sunshine Award from Jingle Poetry

your internal dialogs: learning by talking to yourself

Do you often speak internally to another person as if you have direct access to each other’s thoughts?  Are you fueled by the language that speaks to you inside your mind?  Is this dialog a way for you to make things right simply within your mind with certain people?

It is easy to speak the secrets of your soul when you speak to yourself. First, your heart needs to be open so that you are able to feel the truth of what you really feel.

You have a story to tell.  You can read it, listen to it, and live in it as you would your favorite book.

You have many channels to your heart.  The trick is to find yours–the ones that undeniably open every time.

Find the universal presence, spirit or love that resonates most with you and feel it hold you like a warm blanket.  Then speak to it.  Let it tell you, as a mirror, what you have to say.

You might hear questions such as “Why are you mad at me?” , “What did I do wrong?” and Why do you love me?”

If you visit your child self, you might find a version of you looking back as if she/he has known you all your life (it’s true), asking you if you ever pay attention to her/him?  She/He might whisper a secret to you that you have never heard.

You are not crazy.  You have a lot to say.  Just listen with open ears.  Be still and silent… and the messages are more clear.

Listen to what your internal dialogs tell you.  You could discover the unknown you’ve been search for all your life inside you.  It could change your life…


© r.e.l. 12/17/10